If I understand what you're getting at, it'd kinda be like a wiki that is kept up to date? That way people can come look at when they need the information?

Seems like some context can get lost as you update it. So perhaps it's a log of updates?

I'm trying to think of a concrete example of how I'd use the Pull Communication model. Perhaps I could have a page that anyone in the company can go-to at anytime and see what our current marketing strategy is? I could see that as a way to avoid regular updates from an all-hands meetings. I also see how it'd be beneficial to have a the most update to date strategy incase someone is assigned a marketing task and needs some more context.

Is that example close?

Feels like I'm missing something still.

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Hey Dan, it really depends on what type of communication you are working on. For you, it it would not be interpersonal, but activity and transactional. So there are people that need to know, and might want to know. For those that need it, it gets pushed to them, for those that want to be able to know, they would have a feed they could go to in order to review history.

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